Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Big wedding weekend!!

This weekend was the big ARNESON WEDDING! It was beautiful in everyway! Below are some pictures from the big weekend! First is the rehearsal and rehearsal dinner...

Jules and her dad
The ladies...except Jess

The guys

Drew and I at the rehearsal dinner

Saturday, June 25th was the big day at Terry's house in Issaquah. The weather started out a little gray but turned out to be sunny and beautiful! It was a perfect day all around! The bridesmaid dresses looked amazing, preggers or not. All of the girls just looked gorgeous!

The ladies with the beautiful bride!

The wedding party!

The kiss! Congrats you two! We are sooo excited for you!

The ladies during the ceremony

Pregger bridesmaid with a horn! ;)

Drew, P and I after dinner, in my comfy clothes!

FABULOUS night all around!! Congrats Jules and Eric...we love ya!

I am officially 30 weeks. Ahhh, I can't believe it. I went to my doctors appointment on Monday and everything is going great! As of now I have gained 20 lbs and right on track. Presley was kicking up a storm while she was measuring my belly, it was hilarious! I finally remembered to get a doctors note for work. Pretty much done getting all my ducks in a row to make sure things are good for when I'm out on maternity leave. I can't believe I will be officially done with work in 20 days, work days that is! It's going by so fast and SO ready to be done. Work is tough for me lately and I don't know if it's because my mind just isn't in it or what, but I'm so ready to be done. I officially started a countdown in the kitchen which I rip off each day when I get day closer!

This weekend...Ashlee's birthday party and Trisha's birthday party at Emerald Downs! Can't's going to be a blast. Especially because Drew has never been to Emerald Downs before, so this shall be fun! Then fourth of July is on Monday. Fun times allll around! Next weekend...VANCOUVER!!!!!!!!!!!

One more Lucas is already 1 month old today! Happy Birthday big guy! Can't wait to meet you in about a month and a half!

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

One eventful weekend!

I can't believe I'm already at 29 weeks, my last week of my twenties AND in my last full month of being in my twenties! I'm going to be 30 before I know it! All around...everything is amazing!

Drew and I ventured over to Mckenzie and Scott's house the other night for a bbq and met up with Beth and JR! It was so much fun to hang out with them outside of work and to just relax! We truly need to do that more often.

Mandie also came into town from the East Coast so we met up at Bahama Breeze for a little reunion! It was so much fun to see all the girls...okay, most of the girls! It's crazy to think that most of us have known each other since elementary! Craziness!

We celebrated Father's Day at my parents house on Sunday and it was great to see the boys, Shira and my brother! I can't believe how big the boys are getting. Like little weeds!

Drew and I at my parents house on Father's Day! Drew is going to be the most amazing daddy ever! Happy Father's day to the soon to be daddy!!!

I started summer camp yesterday, Monday and goodness gracious! Let's just say I have already started a countdown here at home of how many days I have left to work...26 days!! I absolutely LOVE working the summers but it's getting tricky being on my feet all day, walking around on field trips, dealing with over a hundred kids a day. I have to remind myself to drink tons of water, eat, sit and put my feet up when I can. So good!!!

Presley gets the hiccups daily these days. Goodness, it's like clockwork in the mornings. 5:30am...never fails. Good thing that's when I wake up now to get ready for work. Has them now actually!

Picked up our bassinet this weekend as well. I thought heck...why not have a bassinet even though the crib is pretty close?! It will be that much more conventient when I'm up ever couple hours in the night and we can roll it into the family from. It helps too that it's adorable and the price was right!

Here is a picture of me at 29 weeks.....

This weekend is Julie and Eric's wedding! Can't wait for it! It's going to be so much fun and I just know the weather is going to turn out just great! Then Monday is also my doctor's appointment to see how things are going. Onto 30 weeks.....


Saturday, June 18, 2011

New family car!

And here she is....

After fighting with myself about getting rid of my wagon which I absolutely loved! I came home one day and said, "Okay, I can't believe I am going to say this...but I think we should get rid of my car." That was hard for me to admit. That car was so fun to drive, fast and I just loved it. No more waving at other WRX's and guys trying to race me from the green light. So goodbye to my wonderful wagon which I loved OHHHH so much and hello to our new family car! We got a great, great deal on the trade in of my car and a killer price on our new one. Thanks to Drew's job, he got a wondeful deal on this (it's who you know!) So a huge thank you to my oh so wonderful husband!! Say hello to our new Kia Sorento! Yep, we just love it! It's spacious enough for Presley and all of her goodies and much safer, but not too wide or tall like I thought it would be. Oh we love it!

Monday, June 13, 2011

Onto my third trimester...

Yesterday was Jules' bridal shower at Sarah's house! Sarah did such a fabulous job with the shower!! Her house was just beautiful, the weather was beautiful...the bride to be was beautiful, all was beautiful!! Jules got some fun stuff and it was great to celebrate her wedding which is only 2 weeks away! Can't wait!!

Of course I had to get pics of all of the babies that were laying, crawling and walking around!!

Miller cute as a button!

Nothing cuter that a naked Elliott!
P.S. Thank you again Jo for letting us borrow your bouncer! I hope Presley just loves it!!

Little Malia who is truly getting cuter and cuter!

Leila walking all over the place and adorable at that!!

Today I had my last monthly doctor's appointment. For now on...I go ever 2 weeks and then every week. First we had our ultrasound...after doing the belly ultrasound as well as the internal one (lucky me) we learned that my placenta hasn't moved any. Which is a good thing that it hasn't moved more towards my cervix, but not moving upward, so that still means a c-section. Presley herself is healthy as can be in there. Weighing in at 2lbs 8 ounces and is head down. That hard thing that we have been feeling is her cute little bum. Her head is right up to my placenta. We got some adorable pics of her profile which by the way...I think she totally has Drew's lips which is just what I hoping! Love his lips!

Then it was off to my doc appointment, 15 feet away. I gained 5 lbs this past month, so I'm at a total of 18 lbs gained. We scheduled our c-section...August 27th it is at 12:30pm. Whoohooo!! Mark that in your calendars everyone for Presley's arrival!

I need to continue to be extra cautious and lay low by not lifting, staying regular etc. Everything that I have been doing not to bleed. She was asking me when my last day of work of now it's August 10th, but she recommends that I take off work 4 weeks before her arrival. That would make it the end of July. So I may just need to get a doctors note and start looking into short term disability. We will see how things go.

Oh...and I passed my glucose test with flying colors!!!

Here is my picture of me, my first week of my last trimester at 28 weeks....

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Glucose test

I had my wonderful glucose test on Friday and I gotta tell ya...the drink wasn't too bad. I expected it to taste a whole lot worse but it actually tasted like a orange otter pop. Yum! I threw it on ice and sucked it down. The best party about it was that Presley ended up having the hiccups all day after I drank it. Since I am one of the cheesiest people I know...I made sure to take a picture of me after I drank it!

My next appointment is tomorrow, I hopefully will get my results back then if not Tuesday. Fingers crossed all is okay! My dad was going to be joining us to see P during our ultrasound, but he just arrived in New Jersey to meet little Lucas. Once again...I'm jealous, I wanna meet him! But him and my mom will be back Tuesday! Can't wait to see them, feels like it's been forever since I have seen my mom!

Last night, Drew and I had a date night! We went to dinner at one of our fav's in Kirkland, at the Beach Cafe and went and saw Bridesmaids. Yep! I saw it again, it's that good of a movie that I told Drew he had to see it! He said he hadn't laughed that much in a long time...that means it was one dang good movie! And it is!

This afternoon.....Julie's bridal shower!! Can't wait, the sun is out and it's gorgeous outside! Perfect day to celebrate the perfect bride-to-be!

Monday, June 6, 2011

Baby Lucas, bachelorette and more!

So this morning I came into work and a Kindergarten teacher has made this adorable sweater for Presley! It is just beautiful, she had been working on it for months and I can't wait to see her in it. It's a bigger size, thank when she is about 2 she will be able to wear it, if not before. Precious all around!

Below are some pics of baby Lucas! He is now home and doing great! He even went to the doctors today for his first visit and passed all the tests. So glad he is home with Andrea and Matt now! And how lucky is my mom to be back there with them? I'm a pretty jealous auntie because I wish I was there.

As for the BACHELORETTE!! On Saturday we had Julie's bachelorette party. I know she had so much fun but I gotta tell ya...this night was extremely hard for me. I ended up getting there later than I wanted and ended up leaving about 10ish. I wanted to be there all night to celebrate one of the last nights with Julie as a single woman but at the same time, but I just couldn't do it. If I could drink two nights out of this pregnancy it for sure would be this night and their wedding that is coming up. On the plus side, I woke up with no hangover and was able to work out at 7:30 in the morning!

The oh so beautiful bachelorette! Love you Jules!

The one picture of the night that Nat got with me! So sad I wasn't in any others.

This weekend is Julie's bridal shower which I am so excited about! I think it's going to turn out just amazing! Today was dedicated to Julie for shopping day, can't tell you what I'm up too but her gift is going to just great!!! And with the help of all the other girls, it's going to be one beautiful day!! Can't wait to celebrate again! This time without the gerber tasting beer that I had at the bachelorette party but with fre!!!

I gotta tell ya, so far month 6 Presley has been the most active! Moving all over the place. My new favorite thing to do while watching tv, is to balance the remote on my tummy and watch it move back and forth when P moves. I remember Laleh doing that with Ava. It's pretty fun! I have my glucose test on Friday which let me tell you...I am pretty excited about, ha! Fingers crossed I pass. Then next Monday I have my ultrasound to see how my placenta is doing and my monthly appointment. Drew and my dad are going to go with me!

And here is my beautiful belly at 27 weeks....